A Behavioral Science take on ChatGPT Cheating: What Can Instructors Do?

Ask ten teachers or professors about ChatGPT, and you are likely to hear ten different responses.  Some of my colleagues seem willing to embrace it, view it as the future reality, are exploring it as a tool to promote thinking and improved writing, and lump opponents to the chatbot in with those who at an… Continue reading A Behavioral Science take on ChatGPT Cheating: What Can Instructors Do?

U.S. Gun Violence:

On Mass Shootings, Contagion, Mental Illness, and Feeling Terrorized Originally written April 11, 2023, updated May 11, 2023 My city mourns the senseless loss of life that occurred April 10th when a 23-year-old gunman entered his former place of work and killed five colleagues while wounding nine others. The shooting in Louisville marked the 146th… Continue reading U.S. Gun Violence:

A Partisan Prescription?

You may realize that your physician’s political beliefs could affect where they shop, what restaurants they prefer, what neighborhood they live in, and maybe even what music they like, but do you think it could go any further?  Could politics intrude into their professional life?  Affect their medical judgments?  Their decisions about the best course… Continue reading A Partisan Prescription?

The Meat Paradox

Look at the titles of several popular books by prominent animal scholars and see what you notice.  I’m referencing Hal Herzog’s Some We love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat[1] and Melanie Joy’s Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows[2].  Although both cover unique ground from different perspectives, they clearly converge in depicting our relationship with animals… Continue reading The Meat Paradox

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Encounters with Meat Eaters

“It’s not you.  It’s me.”  These common break-up words are typically painful and often not fully believed.  Who are you trying to fool? But in the context of microaggressions committed by meat eaters against vegetarians, they take on a different meaning.  In this case, the sentiment is likely quite appropriate.  But unlikely to be forthcoming. … Continue reading Encounters with Meat Eaters

Super Bowl LVII: Do You See What I See?

Whether it’s the half-time show or something on the field, every Super Bowl needs a little controversy, right?  Often, it’s the officiating, and the 57th edition proved no exception.  With 1:54 left in a tie game, KC appeared to be settling for a 4th down field goal that would have given them a 38-35 lead… Continue reading Super Bowl LVII: Do You See What I See?